Sunday, July 16, 2006

Today marked the 4th month of this relationship. It was also the day when the secret got out.

It all happened in a rather strange way. I have another 'blog, called You Called Your Kid WHAT? (link on the right) and I linked it to this one. I created YCYKW? for my own amusement and only circulated details of it a few months ago to a group of family and friends. I've since mentioned it on the internet a few times, but it never occurred to me that anyone at all read the thing. I was therefore rather surprised to arrive in the office this morning to find the following messages:

Just Imagine. Here is pumpkin, surfing the internet with a coffee before starting work. "Oooh," thinks pumpkin, "I wonder if Skiver has updated his blog lately?". Hadn't seen young Barnes before. But oh, what's this? Another link... Anything you would like to tell me?

I am reading 116 days and counting. Stop interrupting. Fascinating! I will get back to you in a few minutes!

Cue much swearing and extracting of promises.

We've told a few more friends since then, people who have been through things with us over the last few months and who know how close we are anyway. One friend, she of the fabulous leopardprint wedding dress, actually said she was glad we had told her, because she had been expecting it and was worried that Goth Girl might say no. Without sounding arrogant, I think she was more worried than I was.


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