Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Days 162-168

Not a lot of progress on the wedding front over the past few days, largely due to Goth Girl turning herself into a complete and utter Rock and Roll Queen during that time. We had a wild night out at the Kerrang! Awards party, where the free bourbon flowed enough to keep any American girl happy. Sadly, actual rock stars were somewhat consipicuous by their absence. I spotted Get Cape Wear Cape Fly and friends saw Kelly Osbourne, Juliette Lewis and (erm) Charlie Simpson from Busted/Fightstar, but that was about as rock (and as talented) as it got. It didn't matter, Goth Girl and I had a great time wandering through the crowds and dancing like dervishes to the music.

Next morning it was up, bright and almost early, to head off to Reading for three more days of music. After checking into the Comfort Inn (a hotel so badly named it may actually breach several pieces of consumer legislation) it was a gentle stroll into town to catch the bus to the festival site. Despite missing the first band we wanted to see (I am sure Mumm-Ra didn't miss us) we had a fantastic few days, listening to old favourites, hearing some music we might never have otherwise heard and meeting up with an old friend or six.

We now have a slightly odd week ahead of us, which will be rounded off by a trip away. Bizarrely, given the subject matter of this blog, it will actually be the first time Goth Girl and I have been away on our own and we are REALLY REALLY looking forward to it. More, I guess, when we get back from that.


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